Who We Are

As a non-profit, faith-focused organization, we strive to share the love of Jesus through our multiple programs that address the needs of women in crisis due to sexual exploitation, substance use disorder, homelessness, interpersonal violence and other traumas. We understand that in order to stabilize and strengthen in independence and resilience, these women require that all areas of their life be addressed, and it takes a community of committed partners to do that. We are blessed to have those partners.

Our internal continuum of care model includes intentional access points where we care for women who are living outside, residing in unstable environments, attending our walk-in support center, staying at our emergency shelter or living in our transitional housing program.

What We Believe

Light of Life Ministries is unapologetically Christian.
We strive to go the places Jesus went and to let His love live through us.

We believe we’re called to collaborate with all sectors of society and with others of different beliefs.  

We’re blessed to have supporters and advocates with different religious backgrounds who share our belief in the restoration of lives and in empowering those we serve to be all they were meant to be.

We don’t require those we serve to share our beliefs or to worship in a particular way.  We weren’t required to do anything before Love and Truth took on flesh and gave Himself to set us free.

Our work is based on a desire to model God’s story of setting people free physically and spiritually.  From Genesis to Revelation, from the Red Sea to Calvary…

We believe God is in the business of setting people free.